Shaping Up

January 29, 2008

Baby Steps, Dress Size Down

Filed under: alcohol, breakfast, dress size, eating habits, water, weight loss — Tags: , , , , , — clairec23 @ 5:39 pm

I haven’t been able to blog for a bit and I haven’t been concentrating on getting healthy.  But I have gone down a dress size, so I’m happy with that.  How?

Some very small simple things.  I haven’t been eating less and I haven’t been exercising more.  I have been eating breakfast, I have been drinking water and I haven’t been drinking alcohol as frequently as before. 

Eating breakfast:  It’s so important.  I know people say it all the time but it really has made a big difference in my eating habits.  Never mind the fact that I have more energy throughout the day.  I’m full for longer so I’m less hungry and probably less likely to pig out in the evenings.   As long as I eat something, I’m okay.  I really recommend this if you don’t do it already.  I get quite lethargic and it takes me a while to wake up if I haven’t had breakfast.

Drinking water:  I’m still not drinking enough but it is making a difference.  My skin feels better, I’m more on top of things than before and it really is contributing to how hungry I feel every day.  They say when you are dehydrated, you mistake the feeling for hunger pangs and I completely agree.  My best tip is to drink mouthfuls of water while eating a meal.  It helps to fill you up quicker, keeps you hydrated and stops you from reaching for seconds.

Drinking less alcohol:  I have bad habits when I drink.  Never mind that the alcohol itself is calorific, but I eat a lot of snacks and fast food when I drink.  I feel constantly peckish no matter how much I eat and somehow all of those bags of crisps/chips just seem to vanish into thin air.  I definitely snack a lot less when I don’t drink.  I’m pretty sure my stomach is somewhat flatter too.

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